Camps Hill Primary School

Early Years



In the Early Years we strive to give our children the best start possible with their education and give families a positive experience of education. Our curriculum is broad and ambitious and is designed to encourage independent, inquisitive and happy learners. We deliver this in a variety of ways: ensuring many opportunities for practical, hands on activities to support children’s learning and make it meaningful.

We build positive relationships with our children  to ensure high quality interactions take place in order to effectively move children on with their learning. Positive relationships with parents and carers are invested in, to begin the partnership between home and school environments. Every child is recognised as a unique individual, and we acknowledge and promote children’s interests to provide them with the opportunities to follow their imagination and creativity.

Our children will leave the Early Years as happy, confident, curious independent learners ready for the wider world and the next stage of the Education.



We implement this curriculum by:

- A range of whole class teaching, group teaching and play-based activities.

- Using ‘in the moment’ planning to move learning on with high quality interactions and purposeful questioning.

- Teaching a broad range of topics half-termly.

- In Pre-School and Nursery, Phonics is taught in groups.

- In Reception Phonics is taught as a discrete phonics lesson.

- High quality texts chosen as our ‘Story of the week’ to support communication and language, develop key vocabulary and promote a love of reading.

- We teach ‘Sign of the week’ to support communication and language and SEND learners. Reasonable adjustments are made so that all learners make progress and small steps. 

- Creating enabling environments- both inside and outside.

- Having investigation areas to promote curiosity.

- Having regular moderations across all of the EYs and across the Trust.

  • Sharing key information with parents/carers through Seesaw.

How we measure impact:

Children are 'baselined' when arriving in Preschool, Nursery and Reception. The Reception Baseline is submitted onto a National database within the first 6 weeks of Reception. 




Chells Way, Stevenage, Herts SG2 0LT

01438 233800