Camps Hill Primary School

Physical Education



The curriculum intent for PE at Camps Hill is to give every child an experience of participating in a wide range of sports giving them the opportunity to learn vital skills necessary for their stage in development via a spiral curriculum. In early years, pupils will learn gross motor skills enabling across a wide range of activities planned from the foundation stage framework before progressing to KS1. In KS1, pupils will learn a wider range of basic sports skills that have links to sport to prepare them for competition in KS2. In KS2, pupils will compete while learning how sport and diet benefits health. It is expected for children are to be active for the majority of their lessons to improve health and fitness. 



In the Early Years (including Preschool), the curriculum is planned using the foundation stage framework. Early years pupils will learn a gross motor skills by accessing larger play
equipment and a variety of toys that will prepare them for more advanced skills in the KS1 and KS2. Activities in early years include lots of different movements (such as running, jumping, walking, balancing) to enhance special awareness and co-ordination using parts of their bodies (such as throwing, bouncing).
KS1 will continue to learn basic skills to a more advanced stage using Complete PE. Topics will be rotated half termly giving children up to 6 topics per year. By year 2, they will have incorporated some sports linking to movement such as dancing and gymnastics. 
In KS2, PE will focus purely on sports. They will learn rules and specific skills relating to the sport they are doing which will include competition. Furthermore, pupils will have swimming lessons teaching how to successful swim 25metres.
In addition to this Camps Hill provide a wider opportunity for participation and competition in sport throughout the year by offering daily mile, sport clubs, inter and intra sporting experiences.



 How we measure impact:

Adults will use end of unit assessment to gather evidence to make an end of year judgement. It will be recorded on our system whether or not pupils will be working towards, at or are exceeding age-related expectations. 




 PE Policy


 Skills Wheels






 Progression Map

PE Progression

Skills Wheels:













Chells Way, Stevenage, Herts SG2 0LT

01438 233800