Camps Hill Primary School

Welcome to Camps Hill Primary School 


Our Welcome....

Camps Hill Community Primary School is a 2-form entry school situated in the Chells Ward of Stevenage. We currently have 510 children on role from 2 years to 11 years old. The school is built on a historical hill with large, green and spacious grounds. We are known for our enriched, creative curriculum and exceptional pastoral care for everyone in our community. We are also a forest school and use every opportunity to learn by first hand experience through 'WOW' days. Please do look at our gallery and watch our videos to see some of our learning and events.
Governors, staff, children and parents are very proud of the school, which is warm, friendly, and happy. We have a caring 'learning ethos' where everyone is valued for who they are. Our 'Golden Thread Curriculum' is run alongside our academic curriculum which enables children to apply/develop key life skills and become confident learners with a positive growth mindset. This curriculum has been developed by children, staff and parents to meet the needs of our learners.

The school has strong links in the community and actively seeks to work in partnership with other local schools, charities and various local organisations. We are part of a Multi Academy Trust, the Claxton Trust, with Fairlands Primary School which was created by both schools in 2017 whilst valuing our individual identities and joint inclusive ethos.

We do not currently have any dates scheduled for school tours. We will add any available dates to our website calendar. They can then be booked by calling the school office.

Emma Flawn

 Our Vision...



Chells Way, Stevenage, Herts SG2 0LT

01438 233800